Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Interesting DI survey

I'm fascinated by this survey on linkedin:

What is the #1 obstacle to successful deployment of ETL/data integration software? - http://bit.ly/ayVt86

It's only a small sample thus far, however the overwhelming view is that non product related problems are the main downfall of data integration deployment. It’s a view I’ve always held and it would seem that many others share my opinion.

Follow edexe on twitter

edexe is now on twitter - http://twitter.com/edexe_ltd

edexe's new youtube channel

edexe now has a youtube channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/edexeDM.

Our first video is a comparison of data prototyping and the traditional waterfall development methodology and how prototyping can help reduce the risk of data projects overrunning.